17th of May, 2008. The

17th of May, 2008. The

On the evening of 17th of May, 2008, most museums of Bucharest organized the traditional “Night of the Museums”, a cultural event placed under the patronage of the Council of Europe.

The National Museum Cotroceni, with the kind support of the National Military Museum, our Association, together with the National Association of Weapons Collectors, organized a historical military ceremony, upon the initiative and under the coordination of the ex-President of our association.

During the show, the reenactors performed honour guards at the Cotroceni Palace main gate and presented arms during the playing of the national anthem. The ex-President awarded some of the members of the groups who had participated in the commemorative action of Pleven, 8th-10th of December 2007, the medal “The Danube Crossing” and promoted one deserving soldiers. The show ended after the nightfall, when the reenactors paraded with lit torches through the alleys of the Cotroceni Park.