Colaborare intre grupurile din Romania

Other Groups in Romania

Re: Colaborare intre grupurile din Romania

Mesajde stoica » Lun, 01 Oct 2012 10:54

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8) in actiuni toti vor da semnele exterioare de respect in conformitate cu gradele militare in traditie purtate de catre participanti. Ramane inteles ca aceste grade sunt simbolice si nu au efect operativ. Functiile in cadrul organizatiilor au prioritate decizionala asupra gradelor militare in traditie

During events all shall show due respect for the military ranks in tradition worn by all participating reenactors. It remains understood that these ranks have merely a symbolical meaning and do not have any operational relevance.  Elected or appointed capacities, inside each organization, override military ranks in tradition[\/i]

9)  la reconstituirile istorico-militare trebuie sa fie asigurata siguranta participantilor si a publicului, trebuie respectate legea si sensibilitatile participantilor si ale publicului

During reenactments, safety of participants and of the public have to be granted, all pertaining laws have to be abided by, and all delicate historical issues have to be treated with consideration[\/i]
10) toate grupurile participante vor fi mentionate, dupa cel organizator, sau in ordinea cronologica a epocii reconstituite, sau, la aceeasi epoca, in ordinea cantitativa a participarii, in materialele scrise sau vorbite, in ordinea ponderii participarii (afise, programe, bilete, interviuri, prezentari, reportaje, site, etc), sau, la aceeasi epoca, in ordinea vechimii statutului juridic

All participating groups shall be nominated in all verbal and/or written and/or recorded materials related to the event, after the hosts, in chronological order of the epochs, or, in case of the same epoch, in the order of the number of participants, or, in case of same numbers, by the seniority of the group, according to the legal registration date (posters, flyers, tickets, interviews, presentations, articles, websites, etc.)[\/i]
Mesaje: 514
Membru din: Joi, 18 Dec 2008 05:15


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