de tm_adm » Mie, 13 Apr 2011 10:27
Rog pe toti utilizatorii care posteaza fotografii sa:
- selecteze INTOTDEAUNA "family safe[\/b]" - NICIODATA "adult[\/b]", indiferent daca se considera adulti sau nu. Aceasta optiune nu trebuie NICIODATA lasata neselectata
- sa posteze, pe cat posibil, "thumbnail for forums[\/b]", nu "direct link" sau "HTML"
I kindly ask all users, when uploading photos, to:
- ALWAYS select "family safe[\/b]" - NEVER "adult[\/b]", irrespective or your opinion on being an adult yourself or not. This option is NEVER to be disregarded or left "by default"
- upload, inasfar as possible, "thumbnail for forum[\/b]s", not "direct link" or "HTML"